We provided three types of activities this year, on the water and on land…
The Rivers Centre
A celebration boat trip for a group from The Rivers Centre who are based nearby at Fountainbridge Library. The Rivers Centre is NHS Lothian’s specialist service for people of all ages affected by psychological trauma. They are set up as a Public Social Partnership (PSP), working closely with colleagues in health, social care and the third sector.
We created a special time together on the Lochrin Belle– opening up ideas and opportunities for participants to explore as they move forwards with their lives.

Keel Houses
The Keel Houses are a new student block beside the canal with a real desire to link in with the local community.
Students mindfully created their own map guided by local illustrator, Cassandra Harrison. In this session we learned some basic ink drawing skills to draw trees, waves, hills and more. We looked at all the different feelings we have in a week (highs, lows, ups, downs, all the feelings that make us who we are) and drew our own personal map of our mental terrain. Whether we draw the mountains of anticipation or The Forest of Deep Thought, we all have our own way of mentally journeying through life. No experience was necessary all materials provided.

Cassandra Harrison Art
Cathay Court
Cathay Court (Wheatley Group East) is a sheltered housing development next to the canal, built in 1995 catering mainly for Chinese elders. John Kerr Court is nearby and also provides sheltered housing. Residents from both places joined together for Winter Warm Ups with Kim at Cathay Court, a series of 3 joyful seated exercise sessions for older people followed by refreshments and a social time.

what participants at Winter Warm ups said:
“it’s a good workout”
“I feel the benefit”
“Oh I would certainly go every week”
“Very many thanks for your warm welcome which is very much appreciated.”
“I’m very keen as I think it’s just what I need to get me mobile”
“Thank you Fiona, I really enjoyed the sessions”
“My tenants enjoyed the activities very much. Hope we can have more of this kind soon. “ Catina
“thank you so much for organising this opportunity. It was fabulous and it was so great to see so many people making the most of it. “ Kim
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