Our Canalside walking group is celebrating its first birthday in October 2023. One year of walking, enjoying getting exercise, making new friends, getting to know our local area, community and wildlife better.

We walk each Thursday setting off from the swans at 10am for about an hour and new walkers are always welcome. More info here

We are grateful to support from Paths for All who provide training and resources for our walk leaders and administer the Scottish Health Walk Network. And for the support of colleagues at Fountainbridge Canalside Community Trust, especially Rob Lock our Volunteer Development Officer and Paddy O’Neill who supports us in practical ways, especially when we enjoy refreshments on the Lochrin Belle after a walk.
We have 31 registered walkers and of those 20 have attended 3 or more times, in fact 7 of our group have attended over half of the 50 walks this year and new people join or visit us all the time. We’ve had between 2 and 13 folk on a walk and average about 7 per walk. You might be surprised to discover that weeks with small numbers are not necessarily bad weather, we walk in all kinds of weather, even in the rain it can be nice to meet friends and get out for fresh air and exercise.
We have some favourite routes as well as the Canal Towpath, like Harrison Park, the Caledonian Railway Path, the Meadows, North Merchiston Cemetery and the “bridges route”. We have also done some themed walks such as The Literature walk, the History walk, the Sheraton Spa walk, a guided walk round North Merchiston Cemetery with one of the friends of the cemetery, an art walk, walking the Labyrinth at George Square, a storytelling walk, a sketching walk, and picking herbs at Harrison Park community herb garden.
Many thanks to the Board, our Development Manager Rachel Sedman and staff of FCCT for initiating the walk and to our trained volunteer health walk leaders for sustaining it and enthusing the group as we walk weekly. Most of all, thanks to all those who come along for a good walk, encouraging one another and discovering new things, every week is different!

The group often have tea/ coffee/ hot chocolate after a walk, this is usually on the Lochrin Belle or in one of the local cafes.

As requested here is the recipe for our Walking Group Birthday Cake
Fair Trade Chocolate Cake
200g plain flour
1 teaspoon bicarb
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons Fair trade Cocoa
150g Fairtrade brown sugar
2 tablespoons syrup (or honey if preferred)
2 eggs
150ml Fair trade Palestinian Olive oil
150 ml milk (use water for a dairy free version)
Mix everything together till smooth.
Pour into greased/floured 9 inch cake tin
Bake 160 degrees for 45-50 mins.
Top with melted fairtrade chocolate
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