Making our community a better place to live, work, play and visit

Social Prescribing Day

9th March 2023 is Social Prescribing Day!

It is a day to celebrate the links FCCT has with GP surgeries, Community Link Workers, NHS, Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Prescribe Culture in Edinburgh Universities, Mental Health Information Station and to thank all the staff who refer people to our programmes so that they can have “More Good Days”.

Social prescribing is a way of actively connecting people to activities, groups and services that can improve their health and wellbeing.
For example, people may visit their GP because they may be feeling stressed about their work, money, or because they are lonely and isolated. But these problems cannot be fixed by medicine, or doctors, alone.

Social prescribing links people to a range of activities and services, based on their situation and preferences. This could include, for example, volunteering, arts activities, gardening, befriending, advice on debt or finances, walking group and a range of sports.

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