Making our community a better place to live, work, play and visit

Community Events

Fountainbridge Canalside Community Trust loves to organise events that connect people to community and place they live, work or play in! We especially focus on activities that bring people together and our events often have a wellbeing, outdoor or creative focus.

Our flagship event, Edinburgh Canal Festival, is held on the third Saturday in June and has its own website.

If you have an idea for an event, get in touch and let us know!

Event NameDate (2025)TimeLocationDescription (click the links for more details)
Mushroom WorkshopWed 29 JanuaryeveningNorth Merchiston ClubPlaces by application
Monthly greenspace weekend sessionSun 9 February12.30-3.30pmNorth Merchiston Club / Harrison Park‘First Signs of Spring’
more details here!
Monthly greenspace weekend sessionSat 29 MarchafternoonHarrison Parkmore details coming soon!
Edinburgh Canal FestivalSat 21 June12-5pmLochrin Basin to Harrison ParkLoads of fun, music and community activity
Bat WalkSeptembereveHarrison ParkCome and learn about and see our local bats!
more details in due course
Pumpkins in the ParkOctoberafternoonHarrison ParkOutdoor fun in the park!
more details in due course
Flotilla of LightNovemberapprox 6-7pmHarrison Park to Lochrin Basin Community flotilla!
more details in due course.
Canalside Christmas MarketDecemberafternoonnear Lochrin BasinCome an experience the magic of a canalside Christmas and support local makers by buying beautiful gifts.