Making our community a better place to live, work, play and visit


Fountainbridge Canalside Community Trust has a small team of part-time workers:

Rachel Sedman, Development Manager
Rob Locke, Volunteer Development Officer
Fiona Lough, Community Navigator
Liga Bite, Marketing and Events Officer
Helen Black, Communications Assistant

We have a number of sessional and freelance staff who run greenspace and wellbeing sessions, provide a variety of training (boat, crew, first aid etc.) and skipper the Lochrin Belle.

Photo with thanks to Stephanie Wylie for Groundswell 2024

Plus we have about 100 volunteers who regularly volunteer with us and another 80 who volunteer for one-off events or litter-picks.

Our Board of Directors are voted in by our membership at our Annual General Meetings. We currently have 11 people on our Board, 75% of whom live, work or volunteer in the local area. The Board are responsible for the strategic direction of the organisation and meet about 6 times a year. If you would like to join or know more, contact us!

Our Board: Richard Allen, Simon Braunholtz, Gerry Baker, Helen Denny, Sheila Durie, Melissa Highton, Jack Marshall, Natalie McLachlan, Sheila McMillan, Catherine Moar, Fiona Stephen.