Back in the heady days of late 2020 / early 2021 Fountainbridge Canalside Community Trust carried out it’s first ever community consultation, to ask the local community whether they would like to see the creation of a local Community Development Trust in this area, what that organisation should focus on doing, and also what people valued about their local community and where they saw opportunities.
It was filled in by 356 mainly local people and helped steer us on our initial journey, giving us the priorities of organising events and activities that bring the community together, developing local greenspaces for people and nature and continuing the work of FCI and Re-Union with local development companies and the Council to ensure the sensitive development of the local area into a vibrant canalside community for everyone to enjoy.
4 years on, we want to formally check in again, and see if we’re still doing what people wanted us to do and if any priorities have changed.
We really value you opinion, so please be as honest as you can, and to thank you for your time, we are offering you a chance to WIN a free 2 hour private hire trip in our wee canal boat, Waterwitch (just leave your email address and tick the box when you get to that question 🙂 See here for competition terms and conditions.
And if you want to discuss anything with us further, we’d be delighted to set up a coffee or chat!
We also have paper copies of the questionnaire, if you’d prefer to fill it in that way – give us a call or drop into our office to pick one up.